The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Leo Tolstoy

The world has changed. It will never go back to the old ways. Where we take it from here depends on our ability to adapt, navigate and listen not only to information but also to our inner voice and intuition.

This phenomenon is of course nothing new, change has always been a part of our evolution. Sudden change often creates distress and tension. But it also forces us to look in the mirror and ask ourselves who we really are, do we live in accordance to our values and how much are we willing to sacrifice for a better outcome while protecting our golden shine from erosion. Because once your golden shine is gone, than it is gone. The erosion doesn’t happen in an instant, but over a longer period of time. It is the golden shine that allows you to grow, that ignites your creativity and inspiration and lastly helps you to pass on the glow to others thus creating loops of prosperity. Now is the time to step up, swim far, dive deep and trust the process. No more hiding.

So again I would like to share some of the best ideas, lessons, books, podcasts, articles, documentaries for 2021. Hopefully you will find something that will help ignite a spark within you helping you on your own journey ahead. This compilation is special as it marks 11 years of compounding results for me while tracking my progress on a daily basis. It has taken a lot more time to go back, reflect, analyze and distillate and even though I can’t present you with all the information, I can give you just enough to get a clear picture of the magical effect it can have on your life once you decide to play the long game.


This is the system Darren Hardy has used for more than 25 years to design, stick to and achieve his own big goals. Included in this annual journal is a step-by-step, week-by-week Achievement Management System™️ which will act as your GPS guidance system all year long. Using the Achievement Management System every week give you an edge over everyone else that is just drifting through life. The objective is simple but powerful. Apply the Pareto Principle or the 20/80 Rule (The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is an aphorism which asserts that 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event. In business, a goal of the 80-20 rule is to identify inputs that are potentially the most productive and make them the priority) to define the key daily/weekly activities that have the biggest impact on your personal goals and then execute on them consistently while tracking your results.


  1. Spiritual Retreat at the beginning of the year. This helped me bring clarity about my own inner feelings about some very important decisions that I needed to make. Love, gratitude and integrity should always be a part of my life for optimal effects. Rhythm was another component that proved to be a revelation. It is not always about making the right call as much as it is about you staying in rhythm. If you stay in rhythm or the flow of things everything is perfect anyway.
  2. I started to run on a more consistent basis and for the first time ever I started to do kettle bell training. The effects of running and kettle bell training are awesome and it doesn’t require me to train 2 hours/day or prepare heavily. That allows me to stay consistent which is much more important and beneficial long term.
  3. I accepted the role as Head of Partnerships at Fenix Funeral and Law which has allowed for an ongoing collaboration with a vibrant company that is disrupting the status quo. Being surrounded by people that are both smarter and better than me is always the environment that I am actively seeking.
  4. I conducted a grand total of 5 months without drinking any alcohol, while focusing on training, meditation and self-development that give you an edge.
  5. My grandfather had a vascular accident and I managed to give him all the support needed. He survived and is now back to normal. This is a true privilege, to be able to serve those who took care of you!
  6. We had and intense but exciting family trip to Stockholm and Ystad for the first time, while our daughter Adeline got to experience life on the train.
  7. I built and launched a new digital course that is now live with the first participants that getting certified just before Christmas. This will be epic during 2022.
  8. Summer 2021 has been amazing together with family and friends. Spending late evenings at the sea with my family created unforgettable memories and celebrating our daughter’s first birthday in July was the best gift.
  9. Investing the time and resources to stay relevant by enrolling in Business Master Class with my mentor Darren Hardy.
  10. Helped launch our model of freelance funeral advisors in the UK with a digital certification course and came in contact with a new market and very interesting people.


  1. Your energy is precious and must be planned for. Your ability to perform, stay present, create and help others is all connected to the level of your energy, physically, emotionally and mentally. The older you get the more you have to plan for activities and behaviours that add to your energy level.
  2. Protect your golden shine from erosion by staying true to your self and your life-mission. Don’t overthink but instead strive to stay in rhythm.
  3. Get relative (life) with the inevitable (death). We are all going to die someday that is inevitable. But what happens in between is relative and we do have some control over how we design that part.


By tracking your daily actions you will know exactly what is happening or why something is not happening yet. These are some of the activities I tracked in 2021:

20/20/20 (20 minutes reading, 20 minutes training, 20 minutes meditation) : 339 times

New Connections: 848 new contacts (457 more contacts than 2020)

Training: 339 times (13 560 push-ups, 40 push ups/day)

Meditation: 302 times

Running & 50 sit – ups per round: 141 times (7050 sit – ups)

6 point list: every day I outlined my top 6 priorities/activities connected to my banner goals for the year. At the end of the year I manage to successfully do 286 activities. This is truly the essence, 286 actions are responsible for everything that happened this year!

Cold Showers: 728 ice cold showers. “In Cold We Trust” Read more about the benefits and get after it:

Daily Journaling: 300 times

Books: 5

  1. Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey:
  2. Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Subi:
  3. Your Music and People by Derek Sivers:
  4. Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld/Gabor Mate:
  5. Effortless by Greg McKeown:

P3 Historia
–       Digerdöden– när skräcken kom till Europa
–       Vlad III Pålspetsaren– verklighetens Dracula
–       Sacagawea– amerikanernas vägvisare genom vildmarken
–       Leonardo da Vinci –historiens största snille
–       Dag Hamarskjöld– med världen på sina axlar
–       Gustav V – tennis, kärlekssorg och förlorad kungamakt
–       Signe Bergman– och systrarna i rösträttskampen
–       Jospehine Baker – superstjärnan som blev spion
–       Mozart– från spralligt underbarn till plågat vuxengeni
–       Kejsar Augustus– Romarrikets landsfader
–       Grace O’Malley– legendarisk piratdrottning
–       Karl X Gustav–stormaktskungen som trotsade isarna över Bält
–       Malin Matsdotter–levande bränd på häxbålet
–       Rani Lakshmibai–levande bränd på häxbålet
–       Drottning Victoria–imperialist, landsmoder och evig trendsättare
–       Knut den store– Vikingakungen som tog Europa med storm
–       Selma Lagerlöf– kärlek, kvinnor och banbrytande konst
–       Martin Luther King– kampen, drömmen och det brutala motståndet
–       Maximilien Robespierre– den franska revolutionens mest fruktade man
–       Lasse Maja– stortjuven som skiftade gestalt
–       Malinche – slavflickan som blev nyckeln till aztekriket
–       Nostradamus– stjärnskådaren som skrev in sig i evigheten
–       Ester Blenda Nordström– risktagande reporter med bultande hjärta

TOP 3 P3 Historia: 

1.   Josephine Baker – superstjärnan som blev spion
2.   Lasse Maja– stortjuven som skiftade gestalt
3.   Grace O’Malley– legendarisk piratdrottning:

P3 Dokumentär

–       Flygkraschen i Alperna
–       Terrosyskonen och IS
–       Mordet på Kim Jong- uns halvbror
–       Docklands –rejv, knark och en OS-bomb
–       Terroratackerna den 11 september
–       Osmo Vallo och det dödliga polisvåldet
–       Gängskjutningen på Vår krog och bar
–       Wikileaks och Julian Asange
–       Terroratacken på Utoya
–       Stureplansmordet
–       Kriget mot den sicilianska maffian
–       Tvångssteriliseringarna och lobotomierna
–       Kidnappningen i Angola
–       Lasermannen
–       Jakten på Usama bin Ladin

TOP 3 P3 Dokumentär

1.   Terrorattacken på Utoya
2.   Tvångssteriliseringarna och lobotomierna
3.   Kriget mot den sicilianska maffian


–       Lewis Hamilton – Formel 1 –mästarens kamp
–       Heath Ledger –Slocknad stjärna och Hollywoods hopp
–       Jordan Peterson –Maskulinitet, kött och livsregler
–       Bruce Lee – Den mytomspunne kampsportslegenden

TOP 3 P3 ID:

1.    Bruce Lee – Den mytomspunne kampsportslegenden
2.    Heath Ledger –Slocknad stjärna och Hollywoods hopp
3.    Lewis Hamilton – Formel 1 –mästarens kamp

Business Wars 

–       Crypto Wars
–       The Birth of Vegas
–       SpaceX vs Blue Origin

TOP 1 Business Wars

1. The Birth of Vegas

The Tim Ferris Show:

–       Master Magician David Blaine– Fear(less) with Tim Ferris
–       Paul Conti, MD– How Trauma Works and How to Heal from it
–       Sir James Dyson– Founder of Dyson and Master Inventor on How to Turn the Mundane into Magic
–       Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia on Homeschooling, Atheism, Understanding Financial Markets
–       Jeffrey Madoff– Dealmaking, The Hidden Persuaders, Working with Ralph Lauren and Finding the Secret to Life in the Mojave Desert
–       Anne Lemot on Taming Your Inner Critic, Finding Grace, and Prayer
–       Francoise Bourzart– The Maven of Consciousness Medicine
–       Dr. Peter Attia on Longetivity Drugs, Alzheimer’s Disease and the 3 Most Important Levers to Pull
–       Chris Bosh on How to Reinvent Yourself, The Way and The Power, the Poison of Complaining, Leonardo da Vinci and More
–       Sebastian Junger– Seeking Freedom, Near-Death Experiences, and Reordering Your Place in the World
–       Jacqueline Novogratz on Building Acumen, How to (Actually) Change the World, Speaking Your Truth and The Incredible Power of Dumb Questions
–       George Mumford, Mindfulness Coach to Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant on Awareness, Compassionate Action, The Dizziness of Freedom and much more
–       Steven Pressfield – How to Overcome Self – Sabotage and Resistence, Routines for Little Successes and The Heroe’s Journey vs The Artist’s Journey
–       Katie Haun on the Dark Web, Gangs, Investigating Bitcoin, and The New Magic of ”Nifties”
–       Marc Randolph on building Netflix, Battling Blockbuster, Negotiating with Amazon/Bezos and Scraping the Barnacles of The Hull
–       David Rubenstein, Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group, on Lessons Learned
–       Michael Phelps and Grant Hackett– Two Legends on Competing, Overcoming Adversity, Must-Read Books
–       Dr. Stefi Cohen– 25 World Records, Power Training, Deadlifting 4.4x Bodyweight, Sports Psychology, Overcoming Pain, and More


1.   Jacqueline Novogratz on Building Acumen, How to (Actually) Change the World, Speaking Your Truth and The Incredible Power of Dumb Questions
2.   Michael Phelps and Grant Hackett– Two Legends on Competing, Overcoming Adversity, Must-Read Books
3.   Chris Bosh on How to Reinvent Yourself, The Way and The Power, the Poison of Complaining, Leonardo da Vinci and More

Books I will focus on during 2022

1.    Covid 19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab
2.    Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell
3.    Hands of light by Miquel Ruiz
4.    The book of forgiving – Desmond Tutu
5.    The Truth about Covid 19 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

“Compounding has a snowball effect. It is just a tiny ball of snow at the very start, but it can turn into an avalanche over time.”
― Naved Abdali


The deeper you dive into the ocean the higher the possibility of you encountering rare species of marine life that have kept their secrets hidden from the surface.

I have compounded and tracked my results for 11 straight years now. You could argue that I have completed my basic training. Before I start with my advanced training that will take another 11 years, I will share with you a 11 Year Compilation Celebration Report. I am not only doing this for you but also for me, it is imperative that you take a break, reflect and look back at what the essence of what you have been doing is so you can set a better sail going forward.

11 Year Celebration of Compounding & Tracking

Total number of people with a direct interaction: 3167 ppl

Training: 86 940 push – ups

Wimhof Cold Showers: over 2056 showers /started in 2018

Meditation 5 minutes/day: 3640 times

Books:151 books on leaderships, business and personal development + 1000 + hours of audio + lots of books on history and sci fi

List of Top 100 books: 

1.   The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
2.   The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma
3.   Born to Run by  Christopher McDougall
4.   Tell to Win: Connect,Persuade and Triumph with the Hidden Power of story by Peter Guber
5.   When Good Intentions Run Smack into Reality by Brian Klemmer
6.   Rebounders by Rick Newman
7.   Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
8.   The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo
9.   Self Power by Deepak Chopra
10. The Secret of Success by Eric Thomas
11. Y-Size your Business by Jason Dorsey
12. The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer
13. GoPro by Eric Worre
14.The Force by Stuart Wilde
15. The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie
16. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
17. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
18. The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin
19. Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte
20. The Art of Influence by Chris Widener
21. Three Feet from Gold by Napoleon Hill
22. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
23. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
24. Risky is the New Safe by Randy Gage
25. The Strangest Secret by Earl Nighthingale
26. Screw Business as Usual by Richard Branson
27. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
28. The Shadow Effect by Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson
29. The Dangerous Book of Heroes by Conn Iggulden
30. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary V
31. Entanglement by Gregg Braden
32. Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan
33. Quantum Entanglement by Jed Brody
34. The Turning Point by Gregg Braden
35. Success for Teens by John Fleming
36.The Spontanious Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden
37. Becoming a Category of One: How  Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison by Joe Calloway
38. Building an Empire by Brian Carruthers
39. Launch by Jeff Walker
40. The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
41. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
42. The Way of The Seal by Mark Divine
43. I am Zlatan by Zlatan Ibrahimovic
44. The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking
45. Tribes by Seth Godin
46. Guide to Greatness by Robin Sharma
47. Master The Money Game by Anthony Robbins
48. The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy
49. Superhuman by Dave Asprey
50. Taking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
51. A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire by Ogi Ogas
52. Death is of vital importance by Elisabeth Kubler Ross
53. The Wonder Weeks by Frans X. Plooji
54. Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Subi
55. The Power of your Potential by Wayne Dyer
56. Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris
57. If this is a man by Primo Levi
58. Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi
59. The Drowned and the saved by Primo Levi
60. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris
61. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn
62. Life 3.0 by Max Tegemark
63. Robert Kuok a Memoir by Andrew Tanzer
64. The Davinci Method by Garret Loporto
65. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
66. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
67. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford
68. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
69. In the Shower with Picasso by Christian Stadil
70. Deep Truth by Gregg Braden
71. Rising Strong by Brené Brown
72. Brand Desire by Karen Hoisington
73. Rule One by Phil Town
74. Payback Time by Phil Town
75. The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
76. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance
77. Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger
78. Min hemlighet by Petter Stordalen
79. Above All Else by Chris Widener
80. You Can Make It Happen by Graham Stedman
81. The Attention Switch by Itzik Amiel
82. An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield
83. The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg
84. The ABCs of Success by Bob Proctor
85. Little Voice Mastery by Blair Singer
86. Radical Remission by Kelly Turner
87. Letters from a Stoic by Seneca
88. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
89. The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande
90. The Fearless Networker by Todd Falcone
91. Dune by Frank Herbert
92. 7 Habits of Higly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
93. 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma
94. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
95. Directselling Success by Randy Gage
96. Green Lights by Mathew McConaughey
97. Your Music and People by Derek Sivers
98. Efortless by GregMcKeown
99. Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld/Gabor Mate
100. Miljardmakarna by Emma Ahlén Pouya

List of Top Ten Books that made an extra impact:

1.    Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
2.    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
3.    The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
4.    Death is of vital importance by Elisabeth Kubler Ross
5.    Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance
6.    Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger
7.    Green Lights by Mathew McConaughey
8.    Your Music and the People by Derek Sivers
9.    7 Habits of Higly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
10. Radical Remission by Kelly Turner

List of Top Ten Videos/Documentaries that made an extra impact:

  1. Eric Thomas: When You Want to Succeed as Bad as You Want to Breathe
  2. Fantastic Fungi – Netflix
  3. 14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible – Netflix
  4. Grizzly Man
  5. World War II: The Lost Colour Archives
  6. I am Not Your Guru – Anthony Robbins
  7. The Last Dance – Netflix
  8. Free Solo – Alex Honnold
  9. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons – Netflix
  10. Man on Wire

List of Top 5 Articles that made an impact:

1.   The Flywheel Effect by Jim Collins
2.   Bitcoin for The Open Minded Skeptic
3.   Mastering the Non-Logical Arts by Michael Pietrzac
4.   The Tail End by Tim Urban
5.   A Thousand True Fans by Kevin Kelly

Top Ten Lessons from these past 11 years:

1.   How you perceive what is happening to you and the conversation you have in yourself inside you head determines your reality. You can create your own reality by hijacking your own programming
2.   Keep training your ability to get up fast when you have been hit hard. Problems will never go away, but your ability to keep moving and deal with the problems will be the secret key
3.   Have a goal-setting and tracking system to keep you on track day after day, month after month, year after year. Strive to become a champion of life instead of a meteoric appearance
4.   Have the courage to pause or stop different projects so you don’t lose focus and energy.
5.   Delegate and only focus on working with A-Players! Otherwise the price, time and energy you will spend on fixing and repairing things will drain you and suffocate your potential and mission
6.   Raise your financial intelligence and take control over your economy. If not everything else will suffer
7.   Focus on your strengths and high paying, high-value projects. It takes the same energy and commitment as the opposite but the results will be vastly different
8.   Love, Gratitude and Integrity should guide every action you take
9.   Develop and conceptualize concepts that you can control fully
10. Protect your golden shine from erosion. Decadence, complacency, and failures compound over time. If the golden shine erodes more doors will close than open and one day you will wake up having lost you spark.

Top 3 Losses from these past 11 years:

  1. I lost my mother Mirela on October 26, 2013 at exactly 15.50 (this was actually on her birthday). No words can describe the pain and even though time is supposed to heal all the wounds, it hasn’t. This is a pain that I will carry with me, sometimes it gives me energy and sometimes it drains me.
  2. I lost my grandmother Viorica on February 19, 2016 while climbing Kilimanjaro. She was a beacon of light and pure joy in my life. She passed away without knowing if her only son (my biological father) was still alive.
  3. Several times I lost businesses that went completely dead after I have invested years of effort and tears in building things up and I had to start all over again. I had a stretch of almost 4 years when I was fighting against all odds.

What is something you wish you learned earlier in life?

I had the opportunity to connect with so many interesting individuals from all walks of life. This is the question that I asked them. Below are some answers that other people shared with me that I find extremely precious.

  1. Use your time wisely and try not to hold any grudges
  2. Be satisfied with what you have achieved but never settle
  3. Prestige is poison, it can kill you
  4. Be more understanding about other people, everyone is fighting a battle you can’t see
  5. Don’t be afraid of taking risks and fail, that is the best way to learn what truly works for you
  6. Don’t compare yourself with other people. Your journey is unique.
  7. Don’t waste time worrying about things that haven’t happened yet
  8. Work harder and put aside money for rainy days earlier in the process
  9. Remain grounded in your feelings, that way you don’t need to escape when things get tough
  10. Communicate clearly what you want and what you don’t want
  11. Slow down and be more kind to yourself. You can’t be kind to others if you are not kind to yourself first.
  12. Eliminate the inner fear so you can hear your intuition taking to you
  13. It is impossible to please everyone. Focus on the people and projects that give you energy
  14. Tell people you love and care for how you feel, one day it will be the last time you meet them
  15. Life is not eternal, understand that your time is limited and strive to be a kind person


If you don’t already have an accountability partner I highly recommend you get one!

Why? Having someone that can keep you accountable, exchange ideas and help you be your best is imperative.

I have had the privilege to be connected to my accountability partner Dr. Antonio Soler for 9 straight years now! I am so thankful. If you want to find out more about Antonio and his amazing work regarding health and nutrition:

3 Things that I am worried about going forward (same as last year):

  1. Cancel Culture: the freedom of speech getting more and more suppressed to the point when people no longer have the courage to share what they really think and stand for. Getting banned from social media, loosing your job or not being able to get on a plane soon because you don’t conform. Having been living under the communist regime in Romania I know how it feels. Most people in the western world and the younger generations have no clue. It stinks and it will take a long time to get the stink out.
  2. Fragility: people becoming more and more fragile especially children. Without going through all experiences in life so we can fall and get up, we become paralyzed to the point where fear runs our decisions.
  3. Divide and Conquer: friends and family members going head to head on different issues and subjects to the point where they hate one another. This is exactly what the Romans used to do when conquering other countries. They made sure to first divide the people so they couldn’t organize themselves and attack back. This phenomenon is now massive AND all over the world. The strategy is old but effective. Who gains from it?

3 Things I am looking forward to:

  1. Being present in the moment and being a part of my daughter’s development. This is the best gift of my life and she is here to teach me things so I can push my boundaries and shatter old paradigms.
  2. Release my second book Don’t Follow the White Rabbit and create a free digital course for young people connected to each chapter of the book to facilitate and enhance the realization of core skills needed to achieve lofty dreams.
  3. Continue to learn new skills and apply more than I have before in my professional field while becoming better and more willing to share insights with others and being a contributor to the ongoing success of Fenix Funeral & Law.

As usual I want to thank everyone that has helped me and inspired me:

My wife Michélle, my sweet Adeline, my grandfather Vasile Moldovan, my grandmother Georgeta, my father Dr.Vasile SalageanClaes Blomqvist, Johannes Ekblad,  Anders Karlsson, Sami Sulieman, my spiritual guide Mats Lundberg, Dr.Antonio Soler my accountablity partner and Darren Hardy my mentor.

Extra Material:

If you want to change your environment and leave earth for awhile, enroll for a short visit to space with Virgin Galactic. It will give you a new perspective on things. I just joined the waiting list, but I feel I need to do just a bit more compounding before it materializes.

Swim far, go deep and trust the process!


Claudiu Moldovan

Author of Rise Up Champion

Featured on TEDx


“The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong.” – Winston Churchill

Let’s dive straight into it. Like my friend aka legend Tom “Big Al ” Schreiter often says:

There are two types of people in the world.

The ones that follow an easy crowd, only to discover later on in life that regret is their best friend and the ones that constantly seek to unlock more of their potential every year by making hard choices and re-inventing their skills and attitude.

There are two types of people in the world.

The ones that watch 5 hours of television and social media every day and contaminate their brains with someone else’s agenda and the ones that constantly seek out new strategies, books, studies, documentaries to enhance their life.

Almost everyone that I know acts so happy that the year 2020 has finally passed. We all want to go back to normal, we want things to be like before. I dare to say that 2021 will make 2020 look like a vacation. So the question is how can we act (not react) and adapt to navigate these troubled times of massive change while looking for new opportunities to grow, reflect, and re-invent ourselves and the world around us.

That is why, like I have done for the past years, I will like to share with you some ideas, strategies, books, quotes, podcasts and lessons. Maybe something will resonate with you and give you a new perspective to help you take the next step, get through a difficult situation, improve on a relation or just make you feel a little bit better.

So indulge me in sharing some of the improvement areas that I set out to focus on during 2020. Please have a read and see what you are already doing from this list. As you will see, sometimes I only achieve a few things, but nevertheless every year I keep trying to improve a little. Don’t get sucked in by the THINK BIG, ALL IN mentality that feasts on our minds in the world we are currently living in. Mastery is all about long term gains by consistently doing small things. Often small boring things. Obviously you have to find a way to track your goals, daily actions, and the lessons you learn or else you will be drifting through life like a leaf on the water like my grandmother Georgeta always says. I am not getting paid to recommend you this and there are tons of other tools/journals you can find, but I have been using Living Your Best Year Ever Journal by Darren Hardy since 2010.


This is the system Darren has used for more than 25 years to design, stick to and achieve his own big goals. Included in this annual journal is a step-by-step, week-by-week Achievement Management System™️ which will act as your GPS guidance system all year long.

IMPROVEMENT AREAS 2020 (Investigate to find out what you are already doing from this list and what you could start doing if you feel it could help you in any way):

  1. Forgive people that did me wrong (I have been improving on this one, but I am still far from it, because I don’t really have a forgiving attitude. I will keep working on it!)
  2. Cardio Training every week (I discovered the art of running and I am now HOOKED) Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seenby Moose deals Learn more:
  3. No more TV than for an hour/day (I succeeded, however the social media monster it’s still a PROBLEM)
  4. Undisturbed quality sleep for 8 hours/day (Not yet)
  5. Be home with family on time every day (Not yet)
  6. Having a completely detailed budget and sticking to it (Not yet)
  7. Having a professional designed and diversified financial portfolio (Not yet)
  8. Saving at least 10 percent of my income every month (Not yet)
  9. Becoming credit card debt-free (Not yet)
  10. Having a six month reserve account completely funded and set aside (Yes)
  11. Having an updated and complete last will and testament (Yes) I did it through Fenix Begravning AB
  12. Having the needed insurance and financial plan in place for my family should something happen to me (Not yet)
  13. Having a detailed retirement plan that will accommodate exactly what I need to live as I desire after retirement and for the rest of my life (Not yet)
  14. Living below my means and never spend money imprudently (Not yet)
  15. Studying my spiritual beliefs every day (Yes)
  16. Teaching my spiritual beliefs every day (Not yet)
  17. Living completely in accordance with my spiritual beliefs (Not yet)
  18. Consistently using my spirituality to help resolve my problems (Not yet)
  19. Seeking instructional information in my field every day (Yes)
  20. Never engaging in gossip (Not yet)
  21. Always say no to requests or obligations that don’t fit my core values or objectives (Yes)
  22. Attending cultural events at least 2 times/month (ha,ha,ha)
  23. Vacation at least once a year with no work communications (Not yet)
  24. Being completely present in every moment of every day (Not yet)


  1. Our beautiful daughter and sweet soul Adeline is born. At 13.31 on July 14th 2020. This coincides with the National Day in France and the swedish crown princess birthday. Adeline means light and nobility so the name has a specific meaning for us! The date is most famously associated with the Storming of the Bastille in Paris, the event which escalated widespread unrest into the French Revolution.
  2. Built a new brand and a digital education platform Fenix Society for Freelance Funeral Advisors in Sweden, a collaboration with Fenix Begravning AB (
  3. Developed Frank Bloom & Associates delivering tech profiles to specific companies, and also sold the first real -estate. The best part is all the new relationships being forged along the way withe over 200 new high-level profiles. (
  4. I have finally written an extra chapter about how we manage to conquer Kilimanjaro Africa’s Tallest Mountain for my second book Don’t Follow The White Rabbit that hopefully will be released 2021.
  5. I discovered (with help from a close friend) the beauty of running and conducted 11 weeks of hardcore training, zero alcohol that increased my focus, stamina, and clarity. This is something that has now become a tradition after going through the different phases of idea, commitment, repeated action, habit, and tradition. I rank running to be on the same level with my cold showers when it comes to instantly resetting myself and creating a positive effect in my body, mind and soul.
  6. I manage to deliver both on the financial and emotional level for our new family of 3 and spent a lot of time with my daughter even though I have been working on different projects, 6 days/week.
  7. I celebrated Christmas with my family, my father, grandfather, wife and daughter while visiting some great friends along the way, far from how it used to be but still a WIN.
  8. Great long weekend trip to Cluj-Napoca with my friend Johannes in september.
  9. Managed to coordinate and deliver a two day event L.Y.F.T in Stockholm for the freelance funeral advisors from Fenix Society with guest speakers and a lot of good vibes.
  10. We had a wonderful event for Adeline with almost 40 people attending, friends, godparents and family. This was the last day that so many people could meet in Sweden because of the restrictions connected to the so called pandemic.


  1. How to build up a new brand from scratch and market and sell it efficiently
  2. How to entirely digitalize education programs and concepts
  3. Running together with cold showers raises my frequency and keeps me on the right path


By tracking your daily actions you will know exactly what is happening or why something is not happening yet. These are some of the activities I tracked in 2020:

20/20/20 (20 minutes reading, 20 minutes training, 20 minutes meditation) : 364 times

New Connections: 391 new contacts (165 contacts less than 2019)

Training: 364 times (14 560 push-ups, 40 push ups/day).

Meditation: 364 times

6 point list: every day I outlined my top 6 priorities/activities connected to my banner goals for the year. At the end of the year I manage to successfully do 311 activities. This is truly the essence, 311 actions are responsible for everything that happened this year!

Cold Showers: 728 ice cold showers. “In Cold We Trust” Read more about the benefits and get after it:

6 AM Club: 76 times I got up at 6 am in the morning which is an increase with 52 times compared to 2019. This seems crazy because I am really not programmed to get up early in the morning and I din’t even remember that I did it so many times.

Daily Journaling: 364 times

Books: 7

1.Super Human by Dave Asprey (optimize your health and longevity)

2. Taking to strangers by Malcolm Gladwell (about wrongly assuming things)

3. A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire by Ogi Ogas (about human psychology)

4. Death is of Vital Importance by Elisabeth Kubler Ross (about lessons from dying people and making sure we don’t have unresolved matters when it’s time to depart)

5. Wonder Weeks by Rijt & X.Plooij (about the different evolution phases of infants, thanks to Lena Gardebrand for lending me the book, it was sold out everywhere).

6. Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Subi (about marketing, sales and the psychology behind monetizing on your ideas)

7. Real Magic by Wayne Dyer (about aligning your goals with your values and you soul’s mission)

AUDIO: hundreds of hours of listening involving The Net Principle (No Extra Time). That means you are already doing an activity like cleaning, training, walking, driving and you don’t have to carve out extra time to listen. You do it meanwhile. That kills your excuses. There are so many podcast episodes I would like to share but here is a list with the ones that I liked the most.

P3 Historia:

I have underlined the top 3 podcasts that I enjoyed the most

  1. Julius Caesar – mannen myten och mordet
  2. Snapphanarna och Göingehövdingen Sven Povlsen
  3. Sophie Scholl – studenten som trotsade Hitler
  4. Carmen Miranda – sambadrottningen som dansade med döden
  5. Gertrude Stein – modernismens matriark
  6. Drottning Jinga – kampen mot kolonialväldet
  7. Sokrates – fredlig filosof eller samhällsstörtare?
  8. Charlie Chaplin – från rännstensunge till Hollywodds hetaste
  9. Hirohito – regent genom terror
  10. Karl XII – vägen till Poltava
  11. Caligula – från guldkalv till galen panna

The Tim Ferris Show:

I have underlined the top 3 podcasts that I enjoyed the most

  1. Leo Babuta on Zen Habits, Anti-Fragility, Contentment and Unschooling
  2. Dr. Martine Rothblatt – A Masterclass on Asking Better Questions and Peering into the Future
  3. Harley Finkelstein – Tactics and Strategies from Shopify, The Future of Retail and more
  4. Jerry Seinfeldt – A Comedy Legend’s Systems, Routines, and Methods for Success
  5. Daniel Ek – CEO of Spotify- Habits, Systems and Mental Models for Top Performance
  6. Steven Rinella – A Short Introduction to True Wilderness Skills and Survival
  7. Dax Shepard on the Craft of Podcasting, Favourite Books and Dancing with Your Demons
  8. Scott Kelly – Lessons Learned from 500 + Days in Space, Life-Changing Books, and The Art of Making Hard Choices
  9. Yuval Noah Harari on The Story of Sapiens, Forging the Skills of Awareness, and The Power of Disquised Books
  10. Seth Godin on the Game of Life, The Value of Hacks, and Overcoming Anxiety
  11. Matthew McConaughey – The Power of No Thank You, Key Life Lessons
  12. Dr. Mark Plotkin on Ethnobotany, Real vs Fake Shamans, Hallucinogens and the Dalai Lamas of South America
  13. Richard Koch on Mastering the 80/20 Principle, Achieving Unreasonable Success and the Art of Gambling
  14. Jamie Foxx on Workouts Routines, Success Habits and Untold Hollywood Stories

These are the 3 books I will start 2021 with. There is a clear reason behind it, which is that they combine psychology, life-experience, soft values with concrete and detailed strategies. Like a yummy cocktail at the Rum House in New York City, a place that I highly recommend when and if the restrictions get lifted.

  1. Your Music and People – Creative and Considerate Frame by Derek Sivers
  2. Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey
  3. Sell Like Crazy by Sabri Subi


Bitcoin for The Open Minded Skeptic:


These are the relationships I seek to expand on in 2021 (both resonated with me in a very special way and I really think they are great humans).

Nir Eyal: American author, lecturer and investor known for his bestselling book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.

David Meltzer: David Meltzer is the CEO of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire.

Derek Sivers:

An American writer, musician, programmer and entrepreneur, best known for being the founder and former president of CD Baby, an online CD store for independent musicians.[1] A professional musician since 1987, Sivers started CD Baby by accident in 1997 when he was selling his own CD on his website, and friends asked if he could sell theirs, too. CD Baby went on to become the largest seller of independent music on the web, with over $100M in sales for over 150,000 musician clients.

In 2008, Sivers sold CD Baby to focus on his new ventures to benefit musicians. His current projects and writings are at

In June 2013, Sivers launched his new company, Wood Egg, which published annual guides on how to build companies in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.[2]


If you don’t already have an accountability partner I highly recommend you get one!

Why? Having someone that can keep you accountable, exchange ideas and help you be your best is imperative.

I have had the privilege to be connected to my accountability partner Dr. Antonio Soler for 8 straight years now! I am so thankful. If you want to find out more about Antonio and his amazing work regarding health and nutrition:

3 Things that I am worried about going forward:

  1. Cancel Culture: the freedom of speech getting more and more suppressed to the point when people no longer have the courage to share what they really think and stand for. Getting banned from social media, loosing your job or not being able to get on a plane soon because you don’t conform. Having been living under the communist regime in Romania I know how it feels. Most people in the western world and the younger generations have no clue. It stinks and it will take a long time to get the stink out.
  2. Fragility: people becoming more and more fragile especially children. Without going through all experiences in life so we can fall and get up, we become paralyzed to the point where fear runs our decisions.
  3. Divide and Conquer: friends and family members going head to head on different issues and subjects to the point where they hate one another. This is exactly what the Romans used to do when conquering other countries. They made sure to first divide the people so they couldn’t organize themselves and attack back. This phenomenon is now massive AND all over the world. The strategy is old but effective. Who gains from it?

3 Things I am looking forward to going forward:

  1. Re-invention: Stephen Hawking gave humanity maximum 100 years to develop the technology to be able to leave earth and populate other worlds before we auto-destruct and cause the 6th mass extinction.
  2. Entrepreneurship: the so called C- Crisis has convinced more and more people that there is no spoon (safety net) and you can’t solely rely on your government or workplace to thrive. You have to take initiative and responsibility for your life. This will lead to more entrepreneurs solving problems all around the world something that is crucial going froward.
  3. Day Dreaming: creativity and fantasy together with emotional intelligence are hard assets going forward. The reason is that technology will allow you to do whatever the mind concedes. So now maybe we can stop telling children in school to not daydream in class.

As usual I want to thank everyone that has helped me and inspired me:

My wife Michélle, my sweet Adeline, my grandfather Vasile Moldovan, my grandmother Georgeta, my father Dr.Vasile Salagean, my business partner Claes Blomqvist, Anders Karlsson CEO of Hygiene of Sweden, my great friend Sami Sulieman Plexian, my great friend Johannes Ekblad and my spiritual guide Mats Lundberg and obviously Dr.Antonio Soler my accountablity partner.

In the end I also like to thank myself for absolutely refusing to give up and always striving to become a little bit better even though I fail and will continue to fail many times again in all aspects of life.

You should also thank yourself if you really have read the entire post. That means you have stamina 😉

Bug Out Extra Material: if all goes bananas and the aliens invade us or you just have to make a swift move and remove yourself from the equation here is a list with things you should prepare. (thanks Peter Lång)

Swim far, go deep and trust the process!


Claudiu Moldovan 

Founder MyLifeAcademy


Founder Frank Bloom & Associates




Author of Rise Up Champion:

Featured on TEDx


“All motions may be accelerated and retarded, but the flowing of absolute time is not liable to any change,” Isaac Newton

manifesto 2019

So if you believe that time is real or just an illusion, 2020 is knocking at the door. We can treat it like a beloved guest or like a thief depending on our mindset, skill set, and our vision of the future. Viktor Frankl the author of Man’s Search For Meaning simply states that the main driving force for us humans is to experience meaning. Meaning together with our unique human ability to choose our reaction no matter the circumstances is a true superpower. It helped Viktor survive Auschwitz. It can help you make a difference and raise your game if you let it.

I feel obliged to share with you some of my greatest lessons from 2019, failures, reflections, best books, podcasts, people that have influenced me in a positive way and much more. Maybe you can find something of value that will help you on your own journey and share it on. We are all connected. Clarity leads to more unity.

I have been tracking my actions for 10 years now by using Living Your Best Year Ever Journal created by my mentor and friend Darren Hardy (

Why? Because shit happens to everyone that will make you lose focus, run after shinning objects and lose track of what it’s really important to do on a daily basis in order to get what you truly desire. What is easy to do, it’s just as easy not to do. What I also like is having the power of the compound effect on my side, meaning the the outcome of my daily actions will exponentially compound into greater and greater results over a longer period of time. I highly recommend you check it out:

So this year after tracking my actions for the entire 2019 I would like to start with the areas I really need improvement. Have a look and see if you are already doing some of these things well enough.


  1. Forgive people that did me wrong
  2. Cardio Training every week
  3. No more TV than for an hour/day
  4. Undisturbed quality sleep for 8 hours/day
  5. Be home with family on time every day
  6. Having a completely detailed budget and sticking to it
  7. Having a professional designed and diversified financial portfolio
  8. Saving at least 10 percent of my income every month
  9. Becoming credit card debt-free
  10. Having a six month reserve account completely funded and set aside
  11. Having an updated and complete last will and testament
  12. Having the needed insurance and financial plan in place for my family should something happen to me
  13. Having a detailed retirement plan that will accommodate exactly what I need to live as I desire after retirement and for the rest of my life
  14. Living below my means and never spend money imprudently
  15. Studying my spiritual beliefs every day
  16. Teaching my spiritual beliefs every day
  17. Living completely in accordance with my spiritual beliefs
  18. Consistently using my spirituality to help resolve my problems
  19. Seeking instructional information in my field every day
  20. Never engaging in gossip
  21. Always say no to requests or obligations that don’t fit my core values or objectives
  22. Attending cultural events at least 2 times/month
  23. Vacation at least once a year with no work communications
  24. Being completely present in every moment of every day



  1. I attended the MasterMind Cruise with my friends and business partners, Anders Karlsson, Nicolas Andreasson, Claes Blomqvist representing our swedish biotech company Cellements (
  2. I build and delivered a successful workshop/event called UnLeash Your Book in Malmö ( together with Karen Hoisington from Singapore. One of the attendees Dana Simovic actually came out with her first book with Karens coaching. You can read more about Dana here: if you also have a book dying to come out contact Karen Hoisington and she will make sure it becomes a reality. 
  3. I took over ten years of experience and boiled it down to 3 seminars: The Generation Switch (How to attract and develop the potential of Gen Y and Gen Z), Relational IQ (Discover the proven strategies behind how to connect with people of high value and learn how to build and sustain powerful networks) and The Leverage Factor (Learn how to identify and focus on the activities that get you the biggest return on investment ROI)
  4. I got accepted as a mentor for Singularity University and was blown away but the entrepreneurs using technology to exponentially improve the lives of so many people around the world
  5. I managed to become a Founding Partner at our swedish biotech company Cellements: 
  6. I launched a new venture called Frank Bloom that is already making a difference within Recruitement/Joint Ventures/Capital Sourcing and it is highly rewarding
  7. I attended the UnTold Festival in Cluj/Transylvania for the very first time. If you like EDM music, check out the aftermovie:
  8. I have stabilised my company cashflow
  9. I agreed to a joint venture for my second book Don’t Follow The White Rabbit together with the owner of swedish the publishing company BuenaVida: Fredric Backnert
  10. I had my first guided spiritual journey The Golden Teacher which shattered a lot of the misconceptions and fears I had before.



  1. Focus on my strengths and high paying, high-value assignments
  2. Love, Gratitude, Integrity should always guide everything I do
  3. Develop and optimize concepts that I have full control over


By tracking your daily actions you will know exactly what is happening or why something is not happening yet.

These are some of the activities I tracked in 2019:

20/20/20 (20 minutes reading, 20 minutes training, 20 minutes meditation) : 364 times

Contacting new prospects: 556 contacts (increase with 407 contacts from previous year)

Training: 7280 push ups

Meditation: 364 times

Cellements: 277 activities directly connected to growing the business

Wimhof: 600 ice cold showers

5 AM Club: 24 times I got up at 5 a clock in the morning

Journaling: 364 times

Books: 7 books

Audio: 104 hours


  1. Tools of Titans (Insights) by Tim Ferris
  2. Tools of Titans (Success) by Tim Ferris
  3. 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma
  4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
  5. Direct Selling Success by Randy Gage
  6. Dune by Frank Herbert
  7. SuperHuman by Dave Asprey

I would recommend you start with these 3:

  1. SuperHuman by Dave Asprey
  2. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
  3. 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma


London Real Podcast with Brian Rose

HardCore History with Dan Carlin

The Tim Ferris Show with Tim Ferris


5 AM Club-Robin Sharma: “Obstacles are nothing more than tests designed to measure how seriously you want the rewards that your ambitions seek”

J.K Rowling: ” It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all-in which case, you fail by default”

William Penn: ” I expect to pass through life but once. If therfore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any good thing that I can do any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again”


Mastering the Non-Logical arts:

The Flywheel Effect by Jim Collins:


These are the relationships I seek to expand on in 2020 (both resonated with me in a very special way and I really think they are great humans).

Nir Eyal: American author, lecturer and investor known for his bestselling book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.

David Meltzer: David Meltzer is the CEO of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire.


If you don’t already have an accountability partner I highly recommend you get one!

Why? Having someone that can keep you accountable, exchange ideas and help you be your best is imperative.

I have had the privilege to be connected to my accountability partner Dr. Antonio Soler for 7 straight years now! I am so thankful. If you want to find out more about Antonio and his amazing work regarding health and nutrition:

As usual I want to thank everyone that has helped me and inspired me:

My wife Michélle, my grandfather Vasile Moldovan, my grandmother Georgeta, my father Dr.Vasile Salagean, my business partner Claes Blomqvist, Anders Karlsson CEO of Cellements, Nicolas Andreasson, my great friend Sami Sulieman Plexian, my beast from the middle east, great friend Johannes Ekblad Fenix and my spiritual guide Mats Lundberg and obviously Dr.Antonio Soler my accountablity partner.



Claudiu Moldovan 
Founding Partner
Tel:+46 (0) 735462061
Author of Rise Up Champion (Amazon International Bestseller):
“The Compounding Specialist”















Another year has almost passed. Couple of more days now and we will be starting a new chapter. Some things turned out exactly like we planned and some not. I think that applies to everyone. What are the lessons? What can we do better? What are some of things that we are proud of and thankful for? Lastly, what are some of the weaknesses that we have to accept and find a way to turn them into strength and motivation?

Here comes some of the the most important questions and reflection tools that I use at the end of each year. Something you can use also to gain a better and more objective understanding of what is really going on.


10 greatest happenings from 2018:

  1. We managed to to create a yearly event in Malmö, POW SCANDINAVIA to help women of all ages (and men of course) to capitalize on their strengths and passions. I didn’t do it alone, so many thanks to the team that made it a success: Olivera Stojanovic, Mirely Figueroa de Ndziba, Evelina Lundberg, Joey Karlsson Social Media & Marketing (  Dada Tulbure and Peter Lång. Also big thanks to our moderator Alexandra Skoglund (, Karen Hoisington Personal Branding (, Maria Appelqvist Professional Coach, Published Author, Speaker, Podcast Host and Entrepreneur ( , Dana Simovic Social Entrepreneur and Founder of Developing a New Africa/Dana Global ( and our singer/performer Linda Runesson who did an amazing job. ( We are not finished so in 2019 we will continue to build an deliver value. (
  2. We built and successfully delivered a year long educational program RISE UP  for young students at Sundsgymnasiet. Thanks to the great team of teachers making this possible with Niclas Andersson taking the initiative! Also the guest lecturers Sami Sulieman CEO Plexian (, Mats Lundberg Leadership Coach from New Chapter ( and again Alexandra Skoglund Life Coach ( This is the first time (that we know about) a school in Sweden runs a development program for students parallel with the traditional studies during  whole year focusing on: entrepreneurship, goal setting, values, the art of networking, creating leverage at school, decision making, sales, Relational IQ, etc…next year will look to continue implementing  RISE UP  at other schools in Sweden that anticipate the importance of such a program, side by side with the traditional studies.
  3. Vital Adventure Transylvania: after tweaking and adjusting for 2 years, we finally found the essence and the perfect mastermind experience for entrepreneurs, leaders and influencers that want to gain more clarity and re-connect with their true mission in life! We followed yet again in Dracula’s footsteps for a third time and had a such a great time trekking the Carpatian Mountains. Thanks to the team making it possible: Dr. Vasile Salagean Health Expert + my awesome father (, (Andreas Petrander Videographer + Photo Content Manager with a golden touch ( our super amazing guide Glenn Möllergren (, Claudia Morariu our local connect with the biggest smile ( Ciprian Lungu our Bionic Man (my uncle) and professional driver (, Lucian Moldovan Gold Schwinn Intructor who made the first Vital Adventure Group possible by offering our guests both training and a transylvanian retreat at Castle Inn (,  Peter Lång our loyal US. Marine and training expert (  , Mats Lundberg our Spiritual Entrepreneur and Hypnosis Guide (, Alexandra Skoglund Yoga and Mental Coach ( Next year 2019 we decided to keep the group even smaller and more private, maximum 6 people and we are looking forward to new life-changing moments together with people that dare to let go in order to win big:
  4. I spent quality time as much as possible with my grandfather Vasile Moldovan and grandmother Georgeta Rosca both 86 years +
  5. I re-started a collaboration with NAV (  in Norway through Marianne Ronningen who is such a driven individual always seeking to improve things and expand the knowledge base of the organizations she is involved in. The topic is Gen Y + Gen Z and how companies and organizations can maximize the potential of these impact creating groups in the market place. Thanks to Rob Fajardo Founder of Leave Normal Behind that delivered some golden nuggets on the subject and is such an inspiration! (
  6. I have been very consistent with my daily training and meditation routines and especially the daily cold showers that have completely changed my state, focus and stamina! I am in awe! I strongly encourage you to find out more about this simple method at:
  7. Cellements BioPocket: have launched and developed our own biotech direct selling company of functional products together with a bunch of people that I look up to, value and respect: Claes Blomqvist Mentor and Best Friend, Anders Karlsson CEO Cellements and a such a force of nature, Philip Wilhelmsson our Head of Research and Product Development and Nicolas Andreasson Master Distributor with a never ending passion and energy.
  8. Tandem Jump together with Claes Blomqvist! I rate this as one of the most epic experiences so far. Youtube: 
  9. Played a small part in the development of Yobify, tech/recruitment company with huge disrupting potential. I had to push myself by doing things outside my comfort zone, so thanks to the CEO Mats Holmbäck! (
  10. Set the foundation for a new project Work in Europe in 2019 helping young people find meaning and fulfillment and breaking bad habits.




  1. Dr. Antonio Soler True North Health:
  2. Alexandra Aleksic CEO LiliAlex:
  3. Dana Simovic Founder Developing a New Africa:
  4. Mats Lundberg Founder New Chapter:
  5. Mats Gustafsson VP of Growth BrightCom:
  6. Sami Sulieman Plexian AB:
  7. Kajsa Sihlén CEO Solid Capital Group:
  8. Tanner Schweitzer Founder of RAW:
  9. Karen Hoisington Datum Branding Singapore:
  10. Maria Appelqvist Author & Speaker:


Three greatest lessons I’ve learned in 2018:

  1. Have the courage to pause or stop different projects so you don’t loose focus and energy (which I have)
  2. Delegate and only focus on A-Players! Otherwise the price, time and energy you will spend or fixing and repairing things will drain you
  3. Raise the financial intelligence and take control over your economy. If not everything else will suffer.

Tracking your daily activities that will lead to the best results will give you an edge and flow that can make a huge difference as you compound forward. I have used Living Your Best Year Ever System by my mentor Darren Hardy for many years now. I highly recommend it!

By tracking your daily actions you will know exactly what is happening or why something is not happening!

For example in 2018 I tracked some activities:

Contacted 149 new prospects related to different business projects (an increase with 39 new people compared to 2017)

Training: 7280 push-ups bu doing 20/day

Meditation: 364 times (increase with 30 times compared to 2017)

Journaling: 364 times

Books: 10 books (3 books less than 2017)



Tim Ferris Show Podcast:

Business Wars:

Jocko Podcast:


Masters of Scale:

Hardcore History:

Waking Up:


The Gary Vee Audio Experience:



Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris:

If This is a Man by Primo Levi:

Robert Kuok: A Memoir:

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon:

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder:


Darren Daily Free Daily Mentoring:


A Thousand True Fans by Kevin Kelly:

The Tail End by Tim Urban:


Lastly special thanks to my wife Michélle for supporting me during the storms, Claes Blomqvist for always believing in me and making me see things in a positive way, Sami Sulieman my Davinci twin connection, that never loses his enthusiasm and that I can always count on, Johannes Ekblad for always being a great friend and having a positive influence, my accountability partner Dr. Antonio Soler for keeping me on track and adding so much value during almost 6 years, Johnny D for helping me when I need it the most, Anders Karlsson for leading by example and using humor as a powerful tool to get ahead and my father Dr. Vasile for ALWAYS being there for me from Day 1.

My biggest hope for 2019 is to be able to repay and add value for everyone that has helped me and pay it forward!

Claudiu Moldovan
Author of Rise Up Champion (Amazon International Bestseller):
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better “





Let’s get real. The definition of madness is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. I will be very blunt. The new year can open up doors and opportunities to elevate us or it can bring the opposite if we are not awake and continue to fool ourselves stuck in our old programming with made up stories that we tell ourselves about why we are not where we want to be in life. Nobody is perfect and we all fail and will continue to do so for as long as we are alive. There are couple of key components that I think make the difference in how we progress despite all the problems.

Nr 1: How you perceive what is happening to you and the conversation you have with yourself inside your own head

You can create your own reality by hijacking your own programming.

February 19, 2017 I was watching how the coffin with my grandmother that I loved above all else was being lowered into the ground. I decided to believe that we are all higher beings that take a human body for awhile, like going on vacation. Higher beings that will soon meet again and discuss and laugh at our human experience. That made me feel much better than thinking that this was the last time we would meet. Because who can tell for sure?

Nr 2: Your ability to get up fast when you have been hit hard

2016-2017: I got scammed mentally and practically by a person that I called both mentor and great friend for a very large sum of money uncovering a web of lies that would shock even Spielberg in Hollywood. I lost several businesses and streams of income that took me seven years to build up, I had to watch my grandmother first suffer in disease and than die and the list goes on. But lingering and feeling sorry for myself (which I did) for too long was not an option because I know that with practice I can bend my own reality (you can create your own reality by hijacking your own programming). So I decided to be thankful for everything that happened and see it as another life lesson. Negative emotions and frustration can be a powerful ally if put to work.

So I launched three new projects:

Vital Adventure: Tribe of high-achieving entrepreneurs that want to elevate their game through adventure, vitality and influence. (

Power Of Women: Yearly event to inspire, equip and prepare women to capitalize on their passion. (

Rise Up: one year development program for 80 students in Sweden about attitude, goal-setting, decision making.

I am far from where I want to be on these projects right now, but the most important thing is that through action you don’t have the time to feel sorry for yourself for too long.

Nr 3: Have a goal-setting & tracking system

Having well-defined goals and priorities will make you stand out. 97 percent of the people you know or you will meet do not have that. Knowing what your aim is and having a strategy about how to reach it is crucial. However you also need consistent action on a daily basis and a system that tracks your progress so you can PLAN-DO-REVIEW-IMPROVE.

I have been using the same system Living Your Best Year Ever for a longer period of time and I am entering my 7th year of compounding results.

Check it out here:

If you ask me about my key priorities and goals or numbers connected to the daily actions that are the most important for me I can tell you.


Date nights with partner: 51times

Contacting new prospects: 111 ppl

Training: 352 times (7040 push-ups)

Meditation: 335 times

Diary Entry: 352 times

Read my goals: 352 times

Books: 13 books

Audio: 113 hours

So if you made it so far, congratulations! Not a lot of people have that kind of a patience today when we constantly get bombarded by information.

In 2018 I want to give more, much more. So this a list of the best books, podcasts,apps that I have been devouring on purpose. I hope you find it helpful on your own journey.


Deep Truth by Gregg Braden/ (spirituality and science)

Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy/ (entrepreneurship)

Rule 1 by Phil Town/  (investing like Warren Buffet)

Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance/ (entrepreneurship)

Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger/ (entrepreneurship)

If This is a Man by Primo Levi/


Invested: (about money)

Masters of Scale: (about scaling)

Tim Ferris Show: (about world class performers)

Jocko Podcast: (about discipline and leadership)

Framgångspodden: (about success)


Headspace: Guided meditation and mindfulness

Streaks:  The to-do list that helps you form good habits.

So let’s bend reality in 2018!

Claudiu Moldovan
Author of Rise Up Champion (Amazon International Bestseller):



Small things that matter

We almost made it! 2016 is just around the corner. Big promises await and this time we know that it is time for some major changes. We need to hit it big in 2016, this is the year when all dreams will come true. You can read it on Facebook, Instagram or in the new Nike commercial, come on, Just Do It.

We almost made it. Have we? Not really. Will we? that depends. Depends on what? It depends on all the small everyday things that you can easily do but that are just as easy not to do. It is rarely the big things and some superhero powers that will get you where you want to get in life. That is the biggest misconception and illusion out there. Trust me. For years I have been stuck in the same matrix really really believing in the illusion of big things and great undertakings in order to achieve success. Luckily I was introduced to the concept of the compound effect through my mentor and friend Darren Hardy publisher of Success Magazine. Small things that amount to big things if you do it daily and consistently over longer periods of time. I bought the tracking tool Living Your Best Year Ever and I started on the new journey. Before the new year I would start with mapping the things I was most grateful for regarding the year that has passed. I would look at areas of improvement and designed specific written goals in all areas of life such as, mental, business, physically, spiritually, lifestyle, financial, family and relationships. After designing my goals I would create an action plan and decide the things I am prepare to sacrifice in order to achieve my goals.

Later with the help of this amazing tool I decided what to do every day, week, month and year. Everyday I focused mostly on the activities that would create most leverage and happiness in my life. At the end of every week I would track my progress to see how everything was really going. This took away the power of blaming others or circumstances for my failure. It was clear, everything was 100 procent my responsibility now.

I tracked the number of business meetings and how many prospects I contacted every week, how many push-ups I did, how many weekly date nights I had with my wife Michélle, the number of meditation minutes, how many pages I read every day, and how many times a week I revised my written goals. The magic of all this, is that I only did small things every day that didn’t take hardly any time to do. 10 pages of a great book a day, 20 push-ups in the morning, 3 minutes of meditation every day, one date night a week, and so on. I have been applying the compound effect for 4 years now, and I am heading into my fifth year during 2016. The effect it has had in my life is just amazing. People comment from time to time and say that I have some special powers, luck or I was just born ambitious. They are so wrong. The only thing I have done different is all the small things that are easy to do but just as easy not to do. I am now surrounded by inspiring friends, doing what I love, traveling the world every year, and helping others do the same. The best part is that positive things keep compounding as I continue to apply the compound effect in all areas of my life.

This year 2015 I have had:

263 business meetings, I contacted 359 new prospects and created new relationships, had 56 date nights, I meditated 193 times and did 7020 push-ups. Last year I read 28 books just by reading 10 pages a day.

I strongly recommend that you start applying the compound effect in your life and make 2016 to Your Best Year Ever. There is no magic to it. Trust me

Claudiu The Compound Effect

Here is the link to order the goal setting and tracking tool if you wish to do that.

Let’s kick some ass in 2016!

Happy New Year

Claudiu Moldovan
Positive Change Agent
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better “

October 26

October 26 at 15.50 a clock. This day and time will forever hold the strongest feelings inside of me. This is when you decided to move on and take the next step. I remembered feeling relief and actually smiling when I realized that no more pain, frustration and heart-ache will ever be able to affect you. You were a warrior all the way and you never seized to inspire me not even in the end.

mire cluj

If everything around us is build out of energies and different frequencies than maybe, just maybe you are able to read this wherever you are right now. Know that I love you more than ever, know that every day I keep lighting a candle for you which is the symbol of light and hope. Know that I will never forget nor stop to do everything I can to make you proud so your sacrifice won’t be in vain. A promise is a promise, only you and me know what that promise was, and even though I often fall, I get up again and keep trying just like you showed me. Happy Birthday my beautiful and strong mother Mire I will always forever keep you in my heart until my mission is completed and we can meet again.

Your only son,


”Det du ger får du alltid behålla, det du låter bli att ge är för alltid borta”

Lena & Claudiu

Tiden läker alla sår brukar man höra. Jag tror inte på det riktigt. Tiden kan inte läka vissa sår speciellt om det inte längre finns några sår att läka. Däremot så tror jag starkt på att oavsett hur lång tid som har gått så finns det vissa händelser, ögonblick och personer som lämnar ett avtryck och lever vidare trots allt. Ett eko som inte kan stoppas ens av tiden, en röst som vill göra sig hörd, som förr eller senare hittar rätt kanal för att nå ut och förmedla en berättelse så andra kan inspireras av och föra vidare det som är av betydelse.

När jag träffade dig Lena Petersson för första gången såg jag en gnista hos dig och en vilja att förändra det som andra sade att det var omöjligt att förändra. Du vågade dela med dig av dina drömmar och innersta önskningar och vi påbörjade en resa tillsammans mot något annat mer extraordinärt. Vem vill egentligen leva på ett vanligt sätt när livet är så skört och när man inte vet vad framtiden för med sig?

Jag kommer ihåg vår gemensamma resa till USA, och hur du klättrade upp på den högsta toppen av Grand Canyon där du ställde dig upp och knöt näven mot de cirkulerande svarta fåglarna som svävade över den rödfärgade avgrunden. I det ögonblicket var allting fullkomligt och medan solen smekte bergstopparna så badade du i stolthet och livsglädje.

Ingen visste då att livet skulle ta en ny vändning som skulle rubba allting på en sekund. Det tar nämligen inte mer än en sekund för att vinden skall vända och blåsa oss rakt in i ansiktet. Det tar inte mer en sekund för att man skall komma ihåg att allt som har en början måste ha ett slut. En sekund, en minut, en timme, en dag, en månad, ett år, en livstid eller en evighet, jag kan inte riktigt säga vilket.

När du fick din diagnos, när alla sade att det var kört så sade du nej. Du vägrade ge upp, du vägrade infinna dig i vad andra sade, du vägrade acceptera det normala till och med då när det var som svårast. Du gav allt du hade och mycket mer för att kämpa emot och kämpa för de du älskade in i det sista! Det som jag beundrar mest är att du gjorde det med ett leende på läpparna trots att du hade ont både i kropp och själ.

Vem vet? Det hade kanske gått annorlunda om inte flera kvalificerade läkare hade missat diagnosen i över 11 månader. Jag tror det hade gjort det men det är ingen som vet. Däremot så kan vi inte sitta tysta och låta bli att berätta om det som alldeles för ofta sker på våra sjukhus där vi skall känna oss säkra. Det som en gång var säkert har blivit osäkert. Något måste göras och något kommer att göras även om det kommer att ta tid.

Idag så blev vi bjudna till dina föräldrar på middag. Jag kisade med blicken och tittade runt i huset för att kanske se en glimt av dig och din energi någonstans. Jag har alltid trott att genom att kisa så får jag se saker som annars är osynliga. Jag fick höra livsberättelser som dina föräldrar Gun och Lennart delade med sig och vi hade en fantastisk tid under en perfekt svensk sommarkväll. Det kändes som en saga där allting var perfekt. Jag såg stoltheten i dina föräldrars ögon när de pratade om dig och vilken kämpe du var in i det sista! Trots att din pappa är så stark och har själv gått igenom så mycket så kunde jag fånga ett ögonblick i hans ögon då jag verkligen fattade hur mycket han saknar dig och hur oerhört mycket han älskar dig. Du skall veta att de visade mig brevet som din son Johan hade skrivit till dig. Det var så vackert och trots att du säkerligen redan känner till det, så vill jag gärna återge några rader här:

Hej världens bästa mamma!

Du är den finaste människan jag känner.

Jag ser verkligen upp till dig!

Hur stark du är. Hur du alltid vill allas bästa.

Johan din älskade son

Medan jag läste det så kom ihåg det brev som jag själv skrev till min älskade mamma för inte så länge sedan. Det brev som jag aldrig någonsin hade velat skriva men som jag blev tvungen att skriva ändå. Jag kom ihåg när allting förändrades och det finns inget någon kan säga eller göra för att göra det bättre.

Tiden läker alla sår. Det tror jag inte på. Däremot så tror jag på att oavsett hur lång tid som har gått så finns det vissa händelser, ögonblick och personer som lämnar ett avtryck och lever vidare trots allt. Ett eko som inte kan stoppas ens av tiden, en röst som vill göra sig hörd, som förr eller senare hittar rätt kanal för att nå ut och förmedla en berättelse så andra kan inspireras av och föra vidare det som är av betydelse.

Du har gjort avtryck och jag är tacksam att jag fick lära känna dig. En liten bit av dig kommer alltid att stanna kvar hos mig och en liten bit av mig kommer alltid att finnas hos dig. Det är bara så. I slutändan så handlar det att ge allt man bara kan under den tid man har, för det leder till minnen som man alltid får behålla. Minnen som lever vidare. Det man inte ger är för alltid borta. Du gav verkligen allt.

Claudiu Moldovan



The last two years have been life changing for me. I discovered that time is limited and that the unthinkable can happen to everyone including myself. I was one of those people that use to think that really really bad stuff is something reserved for people that I don’t know, that lived in some parallel universe remote from my reality. Yes logically I realized that it could happen to everyone but emotionally I was not attached to the idea.

October 26 2013 at 15.50 it happened and it changed me at the core. The person I loved the most on this planet, the person who sacrificed everything in order to give me the best chances in life, who always supported and encouraged me to be all I can be, my mother Mirela moved on at the age of 55. She moved on on her birthday..I bought her a cake with one candle that I lit for her, making a wish for her because she was not able to do it herself. I strongly believed that she would be ok even in the final seconds, though everything else pointing in a different direction. So now I remember one key question that she asked me one sunny day when she was home from hospital for a couple of hours, and how she loved being home, and how much she hated the hospital. She said: can you please tell me why I worked so much in life? Having worked constantly from the age of 19 that was a very valid question asked at a very invalid time. That question still resonates with me every day and every night.

Many of the decisions we take in life or don’t are based on how much time we think we have left to live. If you are just a little bit like me you maybe thinking that you have all the time in the world to do that stuff you want later in life, maybe when you retire. You don’t like your job and would like to pursue your passions but now is not the right time. You maybe feel relevance and make good money where you are in life but don’t have the time to be with your family. But that is all right because you will have time later. You would like to travel the world but you can always do it later, and maybe you want to spend your days in a villa in Italy and enjoy the sun and food, but I mean you can always do it later. And so you keep on fooling yourself that time is endless. 

Now unless you have a time machine to be able to predict the future or go back in time to rearrange things and correct mistakes by making new decisions that thinking will eventually get you in a lot of trouble later on.

Create your desired future by starting today and focus on doing the things you really want and love right now, that way you can create and predict tomorrow even without a time machine and when you look back later on you will realize happily that you went for it and you have nothing to regret or correct.


You heard it before. I don’t know what to do with my life, I don’t know what I like, let me take another university subject to find myself, nobody in my family has ever done something like this so why should I succeed? Even if I love doing this, how can I make any money on it? Dreaming is for people who have no connection with reality. In real life you don’t do what you love you do what you must..

Here are 7 reasons why people settle and by doing the opposite you can avoid the regret of not going for it later in life.

1. Lack of understanding in the power of imagination and dreaming

2. Lack of clearly defined goals that are written down

3. Lack of the right attitude as a direct effect of the input you allow in your brain every day

4. Lack of a self-analysis regarding the strengths you posses

5. Lack of research about how you can use these strengths to your advantage and design the lifestyle you really want

6. Lack of initiative to find people with your background and profile that are already where you want to be and ask the how they did it

7. Lack of courage to face your fears by taking the first step